Friday, January 26, 2007

Passport Hell - Am I There Yet?

My passport expired last year, so now I'm in the middle of applying for a new one. I had filled the entire thing out and was ready to print. I tried to access my epass from my work computer so I could print it out on laser, as opposed to the cheap inkjet I have at home. Unfortunately, it required the installation of a small program for which I do not have access to install. Fine, so I will simply root out my printer and do it from my laptop at home. Then I log into my epass only to find out that the Passport Canada website is overwhelmed, due to the new US requirement that you have a passport to enter or travel through the US. Crap. I can't even get in, despite numerous tries. So I go back to my work computer, and print off the application and fill it out by hand. My handwriting has suffered from keyboarditis over the years and I'm lucky to understand it myself, let alone some pencil pusher at the passport office. I tried my best for legibility, and am ready to send it off to my guarantor for signatures, and then it will make it's way to the passport office. Good thing I'm not travelling until fall, or I would be starting to panic by now...

pasi = passport
pasipoti = passport

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